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A message from your instructor. (2:35)
The Fun Focus Play Training Method (10:36)
Week 1 - Introducing the Fun | Focus | Play Training Method
Why dog training is like learning to play an instrument (1:53)
It's all in the rewards. (10:39)
What Motivates Your Dog? (6:17)
Why do dogs pull on the lead? (2:31)
The No Pressure Game (5:17)
Week 2 - Getting Ready For Action
Does it really matter whether I use collar, harness or headcollar and lead? (2:11)
How to introduce a head collar (6:06)
The Harness Shaping Game (6:05)
Week 3 - Before The Walk
Why you need a calm dog before the walk starts (2:13)
Preparing for the walk
The Calmness Protocol (3:53)
The Power of Choice (3:11)
The Choice Game (11:39)
Week 4 - Focus Is Everything
Your focus when training your dog (1:35)
Close Focus VS Forward Focus (1:42)
The Name Game (3:24)
All Eyes On Me Game (10:06)
Week 5 - Watch This Watch That
Encouraging calmness at home and on the walk
The Check Back Game (2:06)
Distraction Mark Reward (4:28)
Week 6 - Sticking Together
Becoming the centre of your dog's universe (3:09)
Grandma's Rule (2:11)
Close to Me (6:04)
The Ball Launcher Game (2:59)
Putting it all together (7:07)
The Three Week Training Plan PDF
Grandma's Rule
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